Serene Wildlife: Rotoscope Animation

Serene Wildlife is a rotoscope animation that shows the calmness of an aquarium setting compared to the chaotic wildlife of the ocean. The feeling of observing the fish through aquarium tanks is a soothing experience in contrast to the ocean wildlife that devours a group of clustered fish creating a tense environment. Serene Wildlife was created using rotoscoping techniques over ocean reference videos on YouTube and Planet Earth. The calm environment of the aquarium is created with slow, tranquil movements and solid pastel colors of the fish. The animals in the ocean are brightly colored and patterned with textured brush strokes to create movements that are rapid and deliberate to evoke a wild environment. Serene Wildlife explores how humans put the animals in tanks for their enjoyment, but only in the ocean are the fish truly living.

Photoshop - Rotoscope

After Effects - Movement, color grading, video editing, text

Premiere Pro - Final video edit, sound edit