Fantasy in the Night: 3D VR Environment Animation

Fantasy in the Night is a 3D environment with moving animations made in VR with the Oculus using the Quill app. I drew the 3D models and animated the models in Quill with ani-brush, key frame animations, and the grab & hold method which are unique to Quill using a VR headset. I wanted to make the environment feel lively with the trees and plants swaying in the wind while the stream constantly flows in the middle with water sounds. I combined my environment scene into a group project for a 360 environment scene in the video below which is interactive with/without a VR headset.

Quill using an Oculus - modeling, animation, drawing, ani-brush


360 VR Environment: collaborative scene with sound

~ Click and hold to move around in the 360 Environment in the video below




Trees & Plants Animation: